Welcome to Lamplight Publishing

a publishing house Built just for you!

Here at LLP, we offer a new kind of publishing. Some might call it publishing with a twist, we call it publishing with a choice.

Yes! You keep your rights.

At LLP every author has the ability to create and customize their own publishing package, tailored to fit their story, and their needs. Whether you want to publish a novel or a children’s book we can help!

You decide everything from paper style, to book size, to marketing plans. Need an editor? We got you covered. Need an illustrator? Choose from a team of artists from all over the world.

We make publishing easy by being your publisher, your coach and your biggest fan.

Publish your book the way you want.

All Lamplight publications are available wherever books are sold, including Amazon, B&N, Kobo, and bookshop.org.

Submit your manuscript!

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Customize your publishing package!

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