
Welcome to Lamplight Submissions! Thank you for considering Lamplight on the path to publishing your book! We understand that choosing a publisher is a pivotal moment in a writer’s career, and we are so thankful you are trusting us to take part in sharing your story.

Lamplight is currently accepting submissions for Fiction- Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, Thriller, Mystery, Horror, YA, Middle Grade, Children’s books and some selected Non-Fiction such as Biographies, Autobiographies, and Religion. We are also accepting some Graphic Novels and some Comics.

Please fill out the submission form below and upload your manuscript.

While Lamplight supports an author’s first amendment right to free speech, and considers all manuscripts as works of art, we pride ourselves on releasing high quality and primarily clean publications. Lamplight does not accept extreme nudity, promotion of sexual violence, incitement against any race, gender, religion, person or persons, nor do we accept explicit, or overtly horrific and graphic content. If this is you, we feel a different publisher would best suit your needs. 
Lamplight reserves the right to accept or deny any manuscript submissions according to the standards of integrity held by the company and rights within it.